Welcome to ESportZ Club, the premier gaming community of IIT ROPAR. As the regulating body for esports on campus, we bring together students passionate about competitive gaming, skill development, and teamwork. ESportZ Club organizes regular tournaments and events, featuring popular games across various genres. Our primary focus is to ensure fair competition and uphold the highest standards of sportsmanship. We foster an inclusive environment that encourages growth and camaraderie among gamers.Beyond the virtual arena, we offer workshops, seminars, and interactive sessions to explore the dynamic world of esports. Our community provides a platform for gamers of all skill levels to connect, learn, and excel. Join ESportZ Club today and become a part of the thrilling esports revolution at IIT ROPAR. Level up your gaming skills, participate in regulated competitions, and forge meaningful connections with fellow gamers. Together, let's embrace the competitive spirit and make our mark in the world of esports